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Primobolan 10 mL vial (200 mg/mL)


10 mL vial (200 mg/mL) of Methenolone enanthate (Primobolan depot) Dragon Pharma

SKU: 754 Category: Tag: Product ID: 34036456



Primobolan 200 is one of the best anabolic drugs for beginners, it is relatively harmless and quite effective. The active substance within this product is Methenolone Enanthate, which is the injectable form of Primobolan. It is recommended during the drying period or at the end of a difficult cycle, does not retain fluid in the body and has a minimized rollback phenomenon. Buying Primobolan in a pharmacy is not always possible, but on our website, you can order it with US delivery.

Benefits of taking Primobolan

The main advantages of the drug include:

  • High drying efficiency
  • Can be taken by both men and women
  • Has a minimal rollback phenomenon
  • Not converted to estrogen
  • Does not possess hepatotoxicity
  • The decrease in testosterone production by the body is minimized
  • Can be detected on a doping test within 5 weeks after the end of the intake
  • Works for 2 weeks after the injection.

Most Primobolan reviews are positive and it is popular among both beginners and professional athletes. It improves the quality of muscle mass, does not retain fluid, increases strength and, if taken correctly, does not cause side effects.

How to take Primobolan

The duration of a Primobolan cycle is 8-12 weeks. It is necessary to inject the drug rather rarely due to the long-term effect of the drug. The dosage must be selected depending on the individual characteristics of the individual, in consultation with a specialist in the field of sports pharmacology. The usual dosage of Primobolan is from 200mg-800mg once per week. Taking Primobolan at a higher dosage will not increase its effectiveness but may increase the chances of side effects. Women are advised to stick to dosages of no more than 100mg per week. The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation, and its duration when taken by women is 4-8 weeks.

Side effects of Primobolan

Side effects during a cycle of Primobolan are rare, if you follow the individual dosage of the drug and the instructions. When the dosage is exceeded, side effects such as a decrease in the body’s own production of testosterone, aggressive behavior, and insomnia are common. The drug is not converted to estrogens, so the occurrence of gynecomastia is excluded.

Women who take the steroid according to the recommendations are not threatened with virilization (it does not cause swelling of a woman’s clitoris, find out the enlarged women’s clit steroids here).

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