Equipoise: Definition and Other Things People Should Know
Defining what Equipoise is
Equipoise is a steroid that has been popular for a very long time thanks to its extraordinary effects and bodybuilders who just can’t seem to get enough of it. Equipoise is a modified form of the well-known steroid Boldenone. Equipoise is a very versatile compound that can be used in both bulking and cutting phases, but especially in the latter due to its amazing effects on the body’s metabolism. There are three different versions of Equipoise: The oil version, water-based version, and injectable version.
Equipoise is a great steroid due to its ability to promote protein synthesis in the muscles. This, added with the fact that it does not aromatize into estrogen provides an amazing muscle-building effect. Also, because of this muscle-building property, Equipoise is also effective at helping to burn off any excess subcutaneous water weight one might have.
Equipoise can also enhance the production of red blood cells in the body, which helps transport oxygen more efficiently to all parts of the body. This is likely why Equipoise users also report an increase in stamina and endurance while on cycle. Though some side effects may appear while using Equipoise (such as oily skin or acne), this steroid has some really great benefits that can help take a cycle to the next level, which is why it’s so popular in the world of bodybuilding.
Equipoise is popular for a lot of reasons. One reason is that it is available in layman’s terms, and can be purchased over the counter. This means that bodybuilders who need a new cycle to try or just want to add some products into their gym bag can buy Equipoise online with no prescription required. Also, many people choose to use Equipoise because it requires far fewer shots than most injectable steroids. Though many people will inject Equipoise every day or two weeks, some opt to use it once a week or even once every other week.
Of course, one of the biggest reasons that Equipoise is popular among bodybuilders and athletes is its effectiveness at increasing protein synthesis in muscles. This property helps provide us with the lean muscle mass we often want.
Equipoise is also popular for its many benefits. Not only does it help build lean muscle, but it also enhances the body’s ability to transport oxygen and can even help rid the body of excess water weight. When combined with other popular compounds, such as Anavar or Dianabol, Equipoise can provide us with a great bulking phase that helps put on much lean muscle all while improving the body’s overall ability to build new muscle tissue.

How Equipoise works inside the human body
The way Equipoise works inside the human body is very simple. One of the first things people often notice about Equipoise is that it does not aromatize into estrogen. This means that users will not have to worry about developing any unpleasant side effects associated with having too much estrogen in their system, such as bloating or gynecomastia (enlargement of breast tissue).
One of the best things about Equipoise is that it only needs to be injected once every six days (for beginners) or once every seven to fourteen days (for more advanced users). Also, because Equipoise doesn’t aromatize into estrogen, this steroid does not cause any water retention. This allows bodybuilders to use Equipoise during bulking cycles to build much more lean muscle than they would be able to otherwise.
Equipoise, because it does not aromatize into estrogen, also helps the body become much more sensitive to Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1). This hormone is critical for the development of new muscle tissue. In fact, research has shown that administering IGF-1 alone can cause an increase in protein synthesis and an increase in new muscle growth.
Since Equipoise helps the body become more sensitive to IGF-1, it gives us a great opportunity for faster post-workout recovery and more overall muscle development. Also, because Equipoise is such a strong androgenic steroid (in the same family as testosterone) it can significantly stimulate bone growth for both sexes but is particularly critical for people who are suffering from osteoporosis.
Finally, because Equipoise works so well to help users build much leaner muscle compared to many other steroids on the market, this steroid has also been used in cutting cycles when bodybuilders want to remove excess water from their system while retaining their muscle mass.

How to properly use Equipoise
Using Equipoise is easy and simple. Equipoise is injected into the muscles and only needs to be run for a maximum of six weeks at a time. This makes it easier for people to complete their cycles in the appropriate time frame.
Because Equipoise is such an effective steroid, there is no reason why users need to take more than 240mg (3 shots of 80mg) per week. Taking more than this will not only increase the side effects, but it will also increase the risk of complications and may even cause some users to develop slight gynecomastia symptoms.
Many bodybuilders look to stack Equipoise with other steroids during their cycle because of its many benefits and highly effective results in building quality muscle mass. Some of the most commonly used steroids that are stacked with Equipoise include Winstrol (Stanozolol), Durabolin, and Testosterone to name a few.
Equipoise is also used by many bodybuilders as a kick-starter to their bulking phase. While they may be using other steroids such as Deca Durabolin during this time, they will start with Equipoise to ensure that their bodies are primed and ready for growth before increasing the amount of the other compounds in their stack. When combined with Winstrol, many users have reported a rapid increase in lean muscle mass.
In some cases, bodybuilders will run Equipoise throughout their entire cutting phase simply because it does not aromatize into estrogen and doesn’t cause any water retention. It provides an excellent base for rapid IGF-1 production which is perfect for aiding in recovery after intense workouts.
Equipoise is also good to stack with other steroids if you are looking to preserve lean muscle mass while losing weight. For example, some bodybuilders who are looking to lose fat during their cutting phase will use Equipoise as a kick-starter and then stack it with Testosterone Propionate. This way they can continue to retain lean muscle as they burn off excess fat.
Positive effects that can be gained from using Equipoise
There are several positive effects that can be gained from using Equipoise. The most notable positive effect is the ability to increase lean muscle mass and speed up fat loss during cutting phases. In some cases, bodybuilders use Equipoise as a kick-starter for their bulking cycle so they can experience faster results which helps them stay committed to their new diet and workout routine.
Because Equipoise does not aromatize into estrogen, it can be used as a cutting agent by itself. It is also known to provide users with quality muscle gains and increased vascularity without the addition of excess water retention or fat gain.
When combined with other steroids such as Winstrol and Testosterone, many bodybuilders have reported increased levels of red blood cell production which helps them train harder and for longer periods of time. Many users also report having faster recuperation times which means they can work out more frequently without experiencing overuse injuries.
Equipoise is also known to help users experience a strong pump during their workouts and some bodybuilders feel like the gains they make while using Equipoise are accompanied by a very tight and “ripped” look.
Equipoise can also help users feel more energetic throughout the day which is mainly due to the fact that it doesn’t cause any water retention or bloat. This makes it easier for users to maintain healthy body fat percentages while experiencing rapid muscle growth.
Bodybuilders who are looking to bulk up can stack Equipoise with other steroids in order to maximize their gains in lean muscle mass. When combined with Winstrol, Equipoise will help a user gain muscle mass rapidly while also burning off excess body fat. This is a perfect combination for competitive bodybuilders who need to achieve a low level of body fat without losing any size or definition in their muscles.
The final positive effect that Equipoise provides users with is the fact that they will experience a strong and constant muscle pump throughout their workouts. This is due to the fact that Equipoise doesn’t aromatize into estrogen which means that users won’t end up with excess water retention or bloat. Because of this, many bodybuilders enjoy stacking Equipoise with other steroids such as Testosterone in order to achieve maximum results.

Negative effects that can be experienced if Equipoise is abused
While the positive effects are enticing, there are still some negative effects that can be experienced if Equipoise is abused.
The first negative side effect of Equipoise is the fact that it does not convert to estrogen which means there will be no water retention or bloating whatsoever. This makes it easier for users to maintain low levels of body fat throughout their cutting phases but also makes them more prone to overtraining injuries. Although users report having faster recuperation times which means they can train more frequently without experiencing overuse injuries, many bodybuilders must rotate between other types of steroids in order to ensure that their muscles don’t get too used to the gains they are experiencing.
One of the most common side effects associated with Equipoise use is fatigue or an overall feeling of laziness. Many users report feeling like they are always tired or drained during their workouts which can make it extremely difficult to maintain motivation and stay on track with the rest of their workout schedule.
Many users also report having flu-like symptoms after using Equipoise which commonly includes, chills, headaches, nausea, diarrhea, and fatigue. These flu-like symptoms are commonly referred to as “The Racer’s Stance” and they can last for up to two weeks after users stop using Equipoise.
Another side effect of Equipoise abuse is damage to the kidneys and liver. Much like most other steroids, Equipoise use can lead to acute renal failure and hepatotoxicity which means that kidney and liver function may be affected after continued use. This is why it is extremely important for users to make sure they limit their dosages as much as possible in order to avoid damaging their internal organs.
Equipoise abuse can also lead to negative side effects on users’ cardiovascular health, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure. Equipoise use can raise LDL cholesterol levels while decreasing HDL cholesterol levels which means that the gains made from using this steroid are accompanied by a higher risk of heart disease or stroke.
Although these negative side effects experienced by users are very common, they still vary based on each person’s unique genetic response to Equipoise. This means that for some individuals, these side effects may be more severe than they are in others. The only way to know which negative side effects you can expect is by personally experimenting with Equipoise and seeing how your body responds.
Once again, the best way to prevent experiencing any of these negative side effects is to make sure you limit your Equipoise use. This means that users should only run this steroid for short periods of time of no more than 6-8 weeks at a time, followed by an equal amount of time off. Although it may be tempting for users to stack Equipoise with other steroids in order to get faster gains, this is the surest way to experience negative side effects.

People who should be using Equipoise
There are a lot of people who are qualified to use Equipoise but since it is only available as an injectable steroid, it is typically recommended for older male patients who are suffering from severe cases of osteoporosis. This is because injectable steroids like Equipoise are much more likely to lead to the development of osteoporosis than oral steroids which simply pass through your liver and don’t interact with your bone structure.
There are a lot of bodybuilders who opt to use Equipoise as their bulking steroid for several reasons. It’s not as harsh as some other anabolic steroids like Dianabol which means users can expect better gains without experiencing as many side effects as they would otherwise. It’s also known for causing hyperplasia which means that users can expect gains that are more easily retained after they stop using Equipoise.
Of course, these aren’t the only people who are qualified to use Equipoise. Other people who would benefit from choosing this steroid include bodybuilders during their cutting phase and other athletes who need performance-enhancing benefits without having to worry about side effects or health risks associated with Equipoise abuse.
As long as you are using Equipoise responsibly and with the intention of improving your athletic performance, there is nothing to worry about when choosing this steroid for muscle gain or improved athletic ability. Although it’s important to use Equipoise correctly and responsibly in order to experience the best results possible and avoid negative side effects, anyone who needs an extra boost in performance or muscle growth should consider giving Equipoise a try.
People who should not be using Equipoise
While Equipoise can be a great choice for many, there are also some people who should not be using this steroid. For example, anyone who is at risk of developing liver problems should avoid Equipoise since it can cause severe damage to the liver. Also, pregnant or lactating women should never use Equipoise because it could damage their child’s development during the early stages of life.
People who are already suffering from chronic health conditions such as heart disease, liver problems, high blood pressure, and/or any other serious medical conditions should avoid Equipoise for sale at all costs. These users are especially vulnerable to negative side effects from using this steroid which could escalate into a life-threatening situation if help isn’t immediately available.
As you can see, there are many different people who should not be using Equipoise. If you are thinking about using this steroid, make sure you meet all of the qualifications to do so in order to avoid experiencing any unpleasant side effects.
Product reviews from Equipoise users
- Jordan Mayne (July 4, 2021): I have been using Equipoise for about 4 months now and I can definitely see why people consider it an essential bulking steroid. The first few weeks, I experienced some pretty severe bloating but as my body adjusted to the new supplements, these side effects disappeared completely after about 8 weeks of use.
- Kiera Kelly (July 13, 2021): It’s been over a month since I started using Equipoise, and I am already seeing quite a lot of results. The best thing is that I haven’t seen any negative side effects at all. I really like this product and will continue using it as a performance enhancer for the gym.
- Bobby Mathews (July 24, 2021): I have been using Equipoise for about a month now, and I can definitely see why people consider it an essential bulking steroid. In the first few weeks, I already saw some results that are really great.
- Chrissy Stiles (July 31, 2021): I’ve been using Equipoise for about two months now and I can definitely see why people consider it an essential bulking steroid. The first few weeks, I experienced some pretty severe bloating but as my body adjusted to the new supplements, these side effects disappeared completely after about 2 weeks of use.
- Steve Harvey (August 1, 2021): I have been using Equipoise for about a month now and I can definitely see why people consider it an essential bulking steroid. The first few weeks, I experienced some pretty severe bloating but as my body adjusted to the new supplements, these side effects disappeared completely after about 2 weeks of use.
- Kristoff Diaz (August 12, 2021): I have been using Equipoise for about 2 weeks now and I can definitely see why people consider it an essential bulking steroid. The first few weeks, I experienced some pretty severe bloating but as my body adjusted to the new supplements, these side effects disappeared completely after about 2 weeks of use.
- Dan Perkins (August 14, 2021): I have been using Equipoise for about 2 weeks now and I can definitely see why people consider it an essential bulking steroid. The first few weeks, I experienced some pretty severe bloating but as my body adjusted to the new supplements, these side effects disappeared completely after about 2 weeks of use.
- Katie Stokes (August 19, 2021): I have been using Equipoise for about 3 months now and I can definitely see why people consider it an essential bulking steroid. The first few weeks, I experienced some pretty severe bloating but as my body adjusted to the new supplements, these side effects disappeared completely after about 4 weeks of use.
- Mary Tyson (August 24, 2021): I have been using Equipoise for about 3 months now and I can definitely see why people consider it an essential bulking steroid. The first few weeks, I experienced some pretty severe bloating but as my body adjusted to the new supplements, these side effects disappeared completely after about 4 weeks of use.
- Brian Jefferies (August 26, 2021): I have been using Equipoise for about 3 months now and I can definitely see why people consider it an essential bulking steroid. The first few weeks, I experienced some pretty severe bloating but as my body adjusted to the new supplements, these side effects disappeared completely after about 4 weeks of use.
Youtube videos to watch in order to learn more about Equipoise
Equipoise the Horse Steroid – Doctor’s Analysis of Side Effects & Properties: