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Equigan – reviews and description of Equipoise

Equigan – reviews and description of Equipoise

Equigan is an anabolic and androgenic steroid. The generic name of the drug is Boldenone Undecylenate, also named Equipoise or EQ in the bodybuilding community. Clinical Equipoise was developed for use in the treatment for androgen deficiency but was later only used in veterinary medicine.

The Equipoise steroid was originally produced as a long-acting form of methandienone, but the drug has its own unique effects making it highly respected in the steroid industry. Chemically, the boldenone molecule is a Dianabol molecule devoid of the 17-alpha-methyl group. The modification in the form of a double bond between the first and second carbon atoms made the steroid the same as testosterone in terms of anabolic properties, while the androgenic activity of Boldenone is half as strong.

Equipoise Definition

The Equipoise brand name was first introduced by the American pharmaceutical company Squibb. Since then, the name has stuck, and bodybuilders in the USA and worldwide today still use this name for the drug. The definition of Equipoise is a perfect balance (of weight). The name Equipoise was chosen to convey the steroid’s amazing effects.

EquiganEquipoise steroid profile:

  • Anabolic rating – 100
  • Androgenic rating – 100
  • Liver toxicity – None
  • Level of aromatization – Low
  • Progestogenic activity – Very low



Read more about Boldenone in this article What is equipoise

Effects of Equipoise

The most desirable Equipoise bodybuilding effects are the following:

  • Gradual but high amount of muscle mass growth. Undecylenate has a very long ester, with 1 atom more than decanoate, meaning results will be slow but steady.
  • Increased strength is highly noticeable during an Equipoise cycle.
  • A heightened appetite is one of the best-known Equipoise benefits. It is significantly useful for those Ectomorphs who struggle to put on weight.
  • Longer endurance. Equipoise increases the number of erythrocytes produced in the body, which in turn improves the delivery of oxygen to the muscles and ensures less fatigue and longer workouts.

Boldenone Undecylenate (Equipoise)

How to take Equipoise

Before the beginning of the Equipoise cycle, it is recommended to correctly determine the duration of the cycle and dosage.

In general, the cycle of Equipoise will need to last from 8 to 10 weeks to gain the maximum number of gains without Equipoise side effects. The average Equipoise dosage varies between 400 and 800 milligrams per week for men. Exceeding 800 milligrams almost never leads to better results, but only increases the risk of negative reactions.

Females can also use Equipoise in a cycle. The recommended Boldenone dosage for women is no more than 50-100mg per week.

As for how to take Equipoise in combination with other steroids, the best steroids Equipoise can be stacked with for “drying” are Anavar and Winstrol. In this case, the duration of the cycle is reduced to 6 weeks due to significant suppression of natural testosterone production. 2 weeks after the cycle has ended, PCT begins and the body’s hormone balance will be restored with anti-estrogens.

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